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Lindsey Vernon


A printable guide from IGNITE

Before You Begin

  • Set your draft aside for at least a week

  • Create a backup copy

  • Use Track Changes if working digitally

  • Have your style guide ready (if applicable)

First Check: Story Level

  • Check plot progression and pacing

  • Verify character arcs are complete

  • Confirm timeline consistency

  • Note any plot holes

  • Review chapter/scene transitions

  • Examine beginning and ending strength

Second Check: Scene Level

  • Evaluate scene purpose and tension

  • Check point-of-view consistency

  • Remove redundant scenes

  • Strengthen openings/closings

  • Balance dialogue and narrative

  • Verify setting details

Third Check: Paragraph Level

  • Vary paragraph length

  • Strengthen topic sentences

  • Improve transitions

  • Remove redundancies

  • Check information flow

  • Enhance descriptive passages

  • Employ smooth transitions and progressive stakes

Fourth Check: Sentence Level

  • Eliminate passive voice (when not dialogue/monologue)

  • Vary sentence structure

  • Use filter words deliberately

  • Check dialogue tags

  • Strengthen verbs and singular word choice

  • Delete unnecessary words and phrases ("Murder your darlings!")

Final Polish

  • Verify proper formatting based on an official Style Guide or the agent's/publisher's guidelines

  • Run your program's spellchecker or find a free site

  • Read aloud for flow and glaring errors

  • Replace repeated words and redundant phrases

  • Examine story structure and arc

  • Review consistency in names and places

  • Check for plot, character, and setting continuity across the work

  • Find alpha readers, writing groups, and/or writing partners you trust

Common Pitfalls

  • Overusing adjectives and adverbs when one better word always exists

  • Adding flashy dialogue tags, too many, or none at all (stick with said)

  • Inconsistent tense when it is not deliberately crafted and elegant

  • Shifting POVs without introductions or smooth transitions

  • Hopping around in time without warnings. anchors, or clues

  • Info dumping and allowing yourself, the author, to speak for your characters

  • Telling vs. showing (Need I say more?)


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