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Lindsey Vernon


Common edits that pull readers out of your story—

You've written your thriller. The plot twists are sharp, the stakes are high, and your protagonist is racing against time. But something's not quite right. As both an editor and author of thriller fiction, I've discovered that even the most gripping stories can lose their impact when certain issues go unchecked.

Let's talk about pacing, that crucial element that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. In thrillers, pacing isn't just about speed. It's about tension. I often see manuscripts where crucial revelations are either rushed or buried under unnecessary detail. A professional editor helps you identify these momentum-breaking moments and reshape them to maintain that delicious suspense your readers crave.

Another common challenge lies in character motivation. Your protagonist's choices must feel both surprising and inevitable, a delicate balance that's hard to strike. When I work with thriller writers, we often discover that what seems perfectly logical to the author might feel unconvincing to readers. Sometimes, all it takes is a subtle adjustment to transform a questionable character decision into a compelling story development.

Red herrings and foreshadowing require equally careful attention. Too obvious, and your readers solve the mystery too soon. Too subtle, and your brilliant plot twist feels unfair or unsatisfying. Professional editing helps calibrate these elements, ensuring your story plays fair while keeping readers guessing.

Then there's the technical side of suspense writing. Those scene endings that should make readers turn the page, those chapter breaks that should keep them up past midnight, these aren't just about good writing. They're about strategic craft decisions. A professional editor understands how to fine-tune these elements for maximum impact.

One of the most overlooked issues in thriller manuscripts is what I call suspense leaks, those small inconsistencies or logical gaps that slowly deflate tension. Maybe it's a timeline that doesn't quite add up, or a crucial piece of information that appears too early. These subtle problems can undermine even the most exciting plot.

The good news? These issues are fixable.

With professional editing, your thriller can achieve that perfect balance of pace, plausibility, and punch that keeps readers riveted. Remember, every bestselling thriller you've ever loved went through multiple rounds of professional editing. Your story deserves the same attention.

After all, in thriller writing, it's not just about telling a good story. It's about crafting an experience that grabs readers and doesn't let go until the final page.

Ready to take your thriller from good to unforgettable? Let's talk about how professional editing can help you get there.


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